

October 4th, 2024

You may have noticed that some new text has been added to the hoard pages. My house was completely destroyed in hurricane Helene. I am still reeling from this, honestly. Consider the hoard page an archive. I don't think I will be collecting anything again in a long time. I don't trust this area not to destroy everything again. I'll update the pages with everything I end up with, and I'll add what I had but never uploaded.

Don't worry, me and my family and my cats are all okay.

Also, cohost is officially dead. I used a tool called cohost-dl to download an arhive of my cohost page. It's pretty large so we'll see if github pages will allow me to upload it here. If not, I'll update this paragraph accordingly.

It really sucks that cohost is gone. I'll miss it. I loved it.

Sorry for the sad article, but it reflects how I'm feeling these days. I love y'all. Stay safe.


September 13th, 2024

"Holy shit, an update that didn't take 3 months" - ambersplace viewer

I updated the computers page. I'll be adding images soon. At some point I'll be updating the minidisc page, my collection has grown substantially.

Hope you're doing well.

Hello again

September 10th, 2024

Some small updates today. Added a new friend, radmin. Also updated my socials, as I gave up tumblr and cohost is dying. I'm very sad to see it go. I've added my mastadon for the meantime, I've never really had it stick for me but hey, we'll see.

Happy 9/11 tomorrow.

A bit of work for once

March 4th, 2024

I really can't keep up with this thing huh. I hope to do more but I've moved things around. Watch your step. I've also linked my cohost, as I've become more active on it ever since tumblr's ceo decided to have a temper tantrum over a tgirl transition timeline. Haven't deleted my tumblr yet but I've been thinking about it a lot.

I rewrote the intro to the site on the main page cause I haven't really liked it for a while. This one more accurately portrays my current feelings lol. I've also finally removed the vestigial media.html as it's purpose is long gone.

I'm strongly considering just getting rid of the neocities mirror cause neocities doesn't really work for me. They do good work and I'm glad for what they do for people, especially newcomers to the web space, but their tools just don't work for me very well. I can't upload some things that I'd like and updating my site on there is a pain. I'll keep doing it for now though. We shall see.

Thanks for reading and I hope you see some good today.

Site restructuring

January 9th, 2023

Hello! It has once again been a hot minute!

I've decided to come back and work on the site once more. I'm working on some restructuring that I've been meaning to do for a while. The plan is to add a lot more info about the various electronics I own, and seperate this into it's own section. The MiniDisc section will be moved here. Been considering calling it "the hoard."

I've modified the hompage some to simplify it as I found it quite busy, and moved my socials from their own page to the homepage.

I've also found a tool called bashcities (thanks lisa!) that allows me to manage the neocities mirror from a git repo. This will allow me to merge the codebase for the github mirror and neocities mirror. Hopefully this will make things easier for me.

You may also notice that the link to the media section is gone from the homepage. The page is still there but no longer serves much purpose as neither github nor neocities allows hosting media on their sites. This may change in the future, but for now, it wont be easily accessible.

I am looking in to self hosting, but that may not work out. Potentially a reverse proxy could allow me to hide my ip, but we will see.

I also changed the color outside the content for a nicer look.

Thanks for reading!~

Fixes and new MiniDisc Content

April 18th, 2022

Hello! It's been a minute but I'm finally doing a bit more work on the site. Life's been crazy lately.

I've made a fix to the media page that allows it to scroll properly. I'm not sure how that evaded me for so long. I've also shortened the line length of all html files to 130 characters. It doesn't make a usability difference, but it makes me happy. I've italicized the date of news posts as well.

I've also added some new content to the minidisc page, mainly photos but some new text as well. The images aren't clickable to open a larger version in a new tab yet, I accidentally deleted the fullres versions and need to re copy them from my phone. That's what I get for working on the production version.

Initial update

Jan 25th, 2022

Hello! I've decided to make a news section as there's a lot of weirdness with hosting right now.

I've done some hosting on and now github, but neither allow me to host media. Neocities has filetype restrictions and github has filesize restrictions.

It's quite annoying. I do have a self-hosted copy of the site, but I don't have a domain for it, and my public ip isn't stable, so I can't give it out.

Some recent changes include the github mirror ( and some font optimizations. The site should load faster and cleaner now.

That's all from me today. Thanks for browsing.